Saturday, January 6, 2018

Five Health Goals For The New Year

Five Health Goals For The New Year

Five Health Goals For The New Year
Five Health Goals For The New Year
Before the start of the new year, many of us set goals to be achieved during the coming year. These goals vary according to different interests and priorities, with goals related to career advancement, saving a certain amount of money, consolidating family and family relationships or other religious and spiritual goals. Think about these goals and how to achieve them. Some of them forget to set health-related goals, so in this article we try to help put five health goals for the new year.

There are many health goals that can be chosen to achieve during the new year in order to achieve a healthier life. However, the major problem lies in achieving these goals.  Research indicates that only 46% of people who make a specific decision to change one of their habits continue to implement it for more than six months, while 25% of them stop implementing that decision after only one week of taking it, for this, we have chosen five health goals this year that are simple goals that can be easily achieved to ensure their implementation, but they have a great impact on changing our health for the better.

1. Change the sizes and colors of dishes

The size and color of the dishes we eat greatly affect the amount of food we eat and therefore our weight. Research suggests that using large-sized dishes leads us to fill up with a large amount of food, so using smaller sized dishes reduces the amount of food we eat. Healthy food is also recommended for larger dishes and other foods in smaller dishes. In addition, the color of the dishes in which we eat our food plays a role in quantity. A contrast between the color of the dish and the color of food leads us to fill it in a smaller amount according to one study. So be sure to have smaller dishes in a good year, and carefully choose their colors.

2. More communication with family and friends

Staying in touch with family and friends will improve your health. Some studies suggest that strong social ties can give you a long healthy life. In fact, not communicating with parents and friends and engaging in isolationism and loneliness has serious health consequences. . According to many research, loneliness is more dangerous to health than obesity and lack of exercise,
Equilibrium and isolation of health are also equated with smoking and alcoholism. So be sure to communicate with family and friends and spend a lot of time with them in the new year, and not just communicate through the various means of communication and the Internet only.

3. Proper dental care

Everyone thinks that once they brush their teeth and putty once a day they have done what they need to take care of their teeth. In fact, this is not enough at all. Dental hygiene requires washing teeth, gums and tongue twice a day, as well as cleaning the teeth with a thread of cleaning the teeth at least once a day, in addition to visiting the dentist for periodic examination regularly. All of these habits will make your teeth free from cavities and protect you from periodontal disease, which means keeping your teeth in the new year and the years that follow it throughout your life.

4. Reduce the use of the smartphone

The use of the smartphone large periods may affect our health in a very negative way, and in many ways, using the smartphone to surf the Internet for long periods cause pain in the neck, back, elbow and thumb. In addition, the light from the mobile phone screens leads to eye fatigue and damage to the cornea, and it affects sleep and its quality very negatively.In addition, relying on mobile as a means of communication reduces physical activity and increases the chances of obesity with its various health hazards. Finally, the screens of smart phones are full of germs from bacteria and viruses. So be sure to reduce your usage of your smartphone over the next year.

5 - access to several first aid

Do you have several first aid kits in your home, car, and workplace? Often, the answer is no. Although buying a few first aid kits seems simple, it is very important and will keep you healthy if you have a common disease or a minor injury, and what happens most .. So go to the nearest pharmacy and buy Several first-aid kits by the New Year, learn about their different contents as well as when and how to use them, and make sure they are in a place that is easily accessible when needed but not accessible to children.